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Chandra Images by Date: 2014
18 Dec 14
(XDCP J0044.0-2033)
A galaxy cluster located about 9.6 billion light years from Earth
11 Dec 14
NGC 2207 and IC 2163 are two spiral galaxies in the process of merging.
19 Nov 14
An outward-moving shock wave and a bright pulsar wind nebula
19 Nov 14
An irregular shell of hot gas surrounding an extended nebula.
13 Nov 14
The Milky Way's supermassive black hole, about 26,000 light years from Earth.
27 Oct 14
A galaxy cluster about 250 million light years away.
27 Oct 14
A galaxy cluster about 50 million light years away.
21 Oct 14
Six images that combine Chandra data with those from other telescopes.
21 Oct 14
Six images that combine Chandra data with those from other telescopes.
21 Oct 14
Six images that combine Chandra data with those from other telescopes.
21 Oct 14
Six images that combine Chandra data with those from other telescopes.
21 Oct 14
Six images that combine Chandra data with those from other telescopes.
21 Oct 14
Six images that combine Chandra data with those from other telescopes.
21 Oct 14
Six images that combine Chandra data with those from other telescopes.
08 Oct 14
A source with unusual pulsations in the M82 galaxy about 11.4 million light years from Earth.
16 Sep 14
An exoplanet about ten times Jupiter's mass located some 330 light years from Earth.
10 Sep 14
A supernova remnant located about 7,000 light years from Earth.
26 Aug 14
A double star system that contains one of the most massive stars in the Milky Way galaxy.
14 Aug 14
A supernova in the galaxy M82 about 11.4 million light years from Earth.
22 Jul 14
The remnant of a supernova observed in the year 1181 AD
22 Jul 14
The neutron star, also known as a pulsar, is spewing out a blizzard of high-energy particles.
22 Jul 14
This Chandra image of Tycho reveals the dynamics of the explosion in exquisite detail.
22 Jul 14
A supernova remnant in the Milky Way galaxy
02 Jul 14
Messier 106, is located about 23 million light years from Earth.
24 Jun 14
A giant collection of galaxies immersed in hot gas about 250 million light years from Earth.
03 Jun 14
A spiral galaxy located about 30 million light years from Earth.
30 May 14
Four elliptical galaxies with very low levels of star formation.
30 May 14
Four elliptical galaxies with very low levels of star formation.
30 May 14
Four elliptical galaxies with very low levels of star formation.
30 May 14
Four elliptical galaxies with very low levels of star formation.
07 May 14
A star cluster in the center of the Flame Nebula about 1,400 light years from Earth.
23 Apr 14
Four images of galaxies that have been made using data from both amateur and professional telescopes.
23 Apr 14
Four images of galaxies that have been made using data from both amateur and professional telescopes.
23 Apr 14
Four images of galaxies that have been made using data from both amateur and professional telescopes.
23 Apr 14
Four images of galaxies that have been made using data from both amateur and professional telescopes.
10 Apr 14
A supernova remnant about 24,000 light years from Earth.
03 Apr 14
A galaxy cluster nicknamed "El Gordo" about 7 billion light years from Earth.
20 Mar 14
A supernova remnant in the Large Magellanic Cloud about 160,000 light years from Earth.
05 Mar 14
A quasar located about 6 billion light years from Earth.
04 Mar 14
Galaxy ESO 137-001 plunges through the Norma galaxy cluster.
18 Feb 14
A pulsar moving at supersonic speeds about 23,000 light years from Earth.
06 Feb 14
This galaxy contains a gargantuan jet blasting away from a central supermassive black hole.
23 Jan 14
The black hole is in a galaxy cluster located about 3.9 billion light years from Earth.
08 Jan 14
A bright, long duration flare may be the first recorded event of a black hole destroying a star in a dwarf galaxy.