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Video Series: Black Holes

Recent discoveries and updates of the Chandra mission in video and audio formats.

A Tour of Black Hole Growth in Chandra Deep Field South (02-15-2018)
Two groups of scientists, using data from Chandra X-ray Observatory and other telescopes, have found evidence that the growth of the biggest black holes in the Universe is outrunning the rate of formation of stars in the galaxies they inhabit.

- Related Links:
--  Supermassive Black Holes Are Outgrowing Their Galaxies

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A Tour of the Galactic Center (01-10-2018)
A new visualization provides an exceptional virtual trip - complete with a 360-degree view - to the center of our home galaxy, the Milky Way.

- Related Links:
--  Scientists Take Viewers to the Center of the Milky Way

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A Tour of J0045+41 in M31 (11-30-2017)
An intriguing source has been discovered in the nearby Andromeda galaxy using data from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory and ground-based optical telescopes.

- Related Links:
--  Giant Black Hole Pair Photobombs Andromeda Galaxy

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A Quick Look at J0045+41 in M31 (11-30-2017)
An intriguing source has been discovered in the nearby Andromeda galaxy using data from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory and ground-based optical telescopes.

- Related Links:
--  Giant Black Hole Pair Photobombs Andromeda Galaxy

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A Quick Look at J140737 and J122104 (10-05-2017)
Astronomers have found five new supermassive black holes in the centers of galaxies.

- Related Links:
--  Seeing Double: Scientists Find Elusive Giant Black Hole Pairs

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A Tour of Dual Black Holes (10-05-2017)
Astronomers have found evidence for five dual supermassive black holes in the centers of galaxies, each containing millions of times the mass of the Sun.

- Related Links:
--  Seeing Double: Scientists Find Elusive Giant Black Hole Pairs

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A Tour of Arp 299 (06-26-2017)
What would happen if you took two galaxies and mixed them together over millions of years?

- Related Links:
--  Arp 299: Galactic Goulash
--  'A Quick Look' version of this podcast

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