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Optical Image of 30 Doradus
This optical light image of 30 Doradus shows the complex distribution of the illuminated gas within the nebula. The primary sources this visible light emissions are hot and young blue supergiant stars buried within the central core of the nebula.
(Credit: DSS)
This optical light image of 30 Doradus shows the complex distribution of the illuminated gas within the nebula. The primary sources this visible light emissions are hot and young blue supergiant stars buried within the central core of the nebula.
(Credit: DSS)
Infrared Image of 30 Doradus
While rather similar to 30 Doradus in visible light, the near-infrared image provides important information where it differs. Because it is less affected by dust, near-infrared emission penetrates more deeply into the central nebula, thus providing new information about that region.
(Credit: Atlas Image mosaic: 2MASS/UMass/IPAC-Caltech/NASA/NSF)
While rather similar to 30 Doradus in visible light, the near-infrared image provides important information where it differs. Because it is less affected by dust, near-infrared emission penetrates more deeply into the central nebula, thus providing new information about that region.
(Credit: Atlas Image mosaic: 2MASS/UMass/IPAC-Caltech/NASA/NSF)
Ultraviolet Image of 30 Doradus
As a good tracer of newborn stars, ultraviolet light shows scientists where active star formation is occurring in 30 Doradus. In particular, there is a notable increase of density towards the lower right, which can also be seen in the infrared and visible-light pictures.
(Credit: UIT/MAST)
As a good tracer of newborn stars, ultraviolet light shows scientists where active star formation is occurring in 30 Doradus. In particular, there is a notable increase of density towards the lower right, which can also be seen in the infrared and visible-light pictures.
(Credit: UIT/MAST)
Hubble Mosiac of 30 Doradus, Central Region
The image of 30 Doradus is a mosiac of 5 fields-of-view of one of the Hubble Space Telescope's instruments, the Wide Field Planetary Camera-2. By using three continuum filters, this creates an image that shows the stars approximately according to their real colors. This image fits into the central region of the Chandra data.
(Credit: NASA/STScI/J.Maiz-Apellaniz)
The image of 30 Doradus is a mosiac of 5 fields-of-view of one of the Hubble Space Telescope's instruments, the Wide Field Planetary Camera-2. By using three continuum filters, this creates an image that shows the stars approximately according to their real colors. This image fits into the central region of the Chandra data.
(Credit: NASA/STScI/J.Maiz-Apellaniz)
Chandra X-ray Image with Scale Bar
Scale bar, left panel = 4.6 arcmin
Scale bar, right panel = 2 arcmin
(Credit: NASA/CXC/Penn State/L.Townsley et al.)
Scale bar, left panel = 4.6 arcmin
Scale bar, right panel = 2 arcmin
(Credit: NASA/CXC/Penn State/L.Townsley et al.)
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