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Chandra Deep Field-North:

Chandra Deep Field-North
Credit: NASA/PSU/G.Garmire, N.Brandt, et al.

This side-by-side presentation of the Hubble Deep Field-North (left) and the Chandra Deep Field-North (right) clearly demonstrates the importance of looking at the universe in both the optical and X-ray regimes. Twelve X-ray sources are detected in the HDF-N. The false colors represent the "X-ray color" of the objects. Objects that appear more red are cooler in the X-ray band, while objects that appear more blue are hotter in the X-ray band. About half of the sources show strong evidence that the X-rays are due to accretion onto supermassive black holes. The other sources have much lower luminosities, and in several cases are fairly nearby. In these galaxies, the Chandra X-ray detection is most likely the summed emission from a handful (or even one) bright sources within the galaxy, such as stellar-size black holes in binary star systems, the hot gas within the galaxy, or the remnants of supernova explosions. Chandra is thus now peering far enough into the universe to detect the type of X-ray emission that one finds in "normal" galaxies such as the Milky Way. This allows us to look back several billion years to see what our own galaxy and neighborhood (the Local Group) might have been like at earlier times.

Fast Facts for Chandra Deep Field-North:
Credit  NASA/PSU/G.Garmire, N.Brandt, et al.
Scale  Image is 2.5 arcmin across.
Category  Cosmology/Deep Fields/X-ray Background, Black Holes
Coordinates (J2000)  RA 12h 36m 45.70s | Dec +62° 13´ 58.00"
Constellation  Ursa Major
Observation Dates  November 1999 - February 2001
Observation Time  139 hours
Obs. IDs  580, 966, 967, 957, 1671, 2386, 2344
Color Code  Colors indicate temperature or X-ray hardness, but brighter sources are more intense.
Instrument  ACIS
Release Date  March 13, 2001