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Video Listing
Quick Look: Planetary Nebula: Misnamed but Not Misunderstood (12-06-2021)
A new collection of planetary nebulas containing X-rays from Chandra and optical light from Hubble.
- Related Links:
-- Planetary Nebula: Misnamed But Not Misunderstood
A new collection of planetary nebulas containing X-rays from Chandra and optical light from Hubble.
- Dowload Video Podcast (47.4 MB, Runtime: 0:45)
- Related Links:
-- Planetary Nebula: Misnamed But Not Misunderstood

Quick Look: Roasted and Shredded by a Stellar Sidekick (11-22-2021)
New data suggest a white dwarf is blasting a companion object, either a low-mass star or planet, with waves of heat and radiation while pulling it apart through gravitational force.
- Related Links:
-- KPD 0005+5106: Roasted and Shredded by a Stellar Sidekick
New data suggest a white dwarf is blasting a companion object, either a low-mass star or planet, with waves of heat and radiation while pulling it apart through gravitational force.
- Dowload Video Podcast (32 MB, Runtime: 0:45)
- Related Links:
-- KPD 0005+5106: Roasted and Shredded by a Stellar Sidekick

Tour : Roasted and Shredded by a Stellar Sidekick (11-11-2021)
New data suggest a white dwarf is blasting a companion object, either a low-mass star or planet, with waves of heat and radiation while pulling it apart through gravitational force.
- Related Links:
-- KPD 0005+5106: Roasted and Shredded by a Stellar Sidekick
New data suggest a white dwarf is blasting a companion object, either a low-mass star or planet, with waves of heat and radiation while pulling it apart through gravitational force.
- Dowload Video Podcast (223.6 MB, Runtime: 3:21)
- With closed-captions (at YouTube)
- Listen to Audio Only
- Transcript
- Related Links:
-- KPD 0005+5106: Roasted and Shredded by a Stellar Sidekick

Tour: Chandra Sees Evidence for Possible Planet in Another Galaxy (10-25-2021)
Astronomers have found evidence for a possible planet candidate in the M51 ("Whirlpool") galaxy, representing what could be the first planet detected outside of the Milky Way.
- Related Links:
-- Chandra Sees Evidence for Possible Planet in Another Galaxy
Astronomers have found evidence for a possible planet candidate in the M51 ("Whirlpool") galaxy, representing what could be the first planet detected outside of the Milky Way.
- Dowload Video Podcast (221 MB, Runtime: 3:18)
- With closed-captions (at YouTube)
- Listen to Audio Only
- Transcript
- Related Links:
-- Chandra Sees Evidence for Possible Planet in Another Galaxy

Quick Look: Chandra Sees Evidence for Possible Planet in Another Galaxy (10-25-2021)
Astronomers have found evidence for a possible planet candidate in the M51 ("Whirlpool") galaxy, representing what could be the first planet detected outside of the Milky Way.
- Related Links:
-- Chandra Sees Evidence for Possible Planet in Another Galaxy
Astronomers have found evidence for a possible planet candidate in the M51 ("Whirlpool") galaxy, representing what could be the first planet detected outside of the Milky Way.
- Dowload Video Podcast (54.1 MB, Runtime: 0:45)
- Related Links:
-- Chandra Sees Evidence for Possible Planet in Another Galaxy

Please note: These podcasts include artist illustrations and conceptual animations in addition to astronomical data.