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Recent discoveries and updates of the Chandra mission in video and audio formats.
Putting Chandra In Its Place
How the Chandra X-ray Observatory fits into the modern astronomer's toolkit. Chandra is one of NASA's "Great Observatories". The Great Observatories were four missions selected by NASA to explore different types of radiation and really tackle the biggest questions in astronomy.
How the Chandra X-ray Observatory fits into the modern astronomer's toolkit. Chandra is one of NASA's "Great Observatories". The Great Observatories were four missions selected by NASA to explore different types of radiation and really tackle the biggest questions in astronomy.
Chandra, Not Your Backyard Telescope
X-ray telescopes like Chandra are not like the telescopes you find in backyards or at the local observatory. In addition to being above the Earth's atmosphere, they need to have special mirrors to detect the X-rays that pass through most objects.
X-ray telescopes like Chandra are not like the telescopes you find in backyards or at the local observatory. In addition to being above the Earth's atmosphere, they need to have special mirrors to detect the X-rays that pass through most objects.
How Chandra Does What It Does
NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory, in orbit since 1999, studies the high-energy Universe, where black holes, exploding stars, and mysterious matter hold sway.
NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory, in orbit since 1999, studies the high-energy Universe, where black holes, exploding stars, and mysterious matter hold sway.