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More Images of SN 1957D in M83
Click for large jpg Full Field X-ray Image of SN 1957D in M83
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Chandra X-ray Image of M83 (Full Field)
Using Chandra, astronomers have detected X-rays from the remains of a supernova that was spotted from Earth over 50 years ago. The full-field image shows Chandra's view of M83 during a long observation where low, medium, and high-energy X-rays are red, green, and blue respectively. This is the first time the remains of SN 1957D have been detected in X-rays. Chandra's new X-ray data provide important information about the nature of this explosion that astronomers think happened when a massive star ran out of fuel and collapsed.
(Credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/STScI/K.Long et al.)

Click for large jpg Full field Optical
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Optical Image of M83 (Full Field)
M83 is a spiral galaxy 12 million light years from Earth in the constellation Hydra. This optical image of M83 from the Very Large Telescope in Chile, operated by the European Southern Observatory.
(Credit: Optical: ESO/VLT)

Click for large jpg Optical wide
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Click for large jpg Optical zoom
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Click for large jpg H-alpha wide
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Click for large jpg H-alpha zoom
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Click for large jpg Multipanel with Optical, H-alpha & X-ray
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Optical and H-alpha Images of SN 1957D in M83
This set of images from the Hubble Space Telescope shows optical and H-alpha images of the area around SN 1957D in M83. The optical images, shown at two different zooms, includes one filter at ultraviolet wavelengths and two different filters at optical wavelengths, colored blue, green and red. The H-alpha images show light emitted by hydrogen in red, sulfur in green and oxygen in blue. In each case SN 1957D is located in the middle of the image. In the optical images the star cluster containing the supernova is visible and in the H-alpha images the remains of the supernova are visible. The multipanel shows the optical and H-alpha images next to the Chandra image.
(Credit: Optical: NASA/STScI)

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