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High Mass X-ray binary System with
An artist's rendering that shows a binary system consisting of a massive star and a black hole. Matter spirals from the massive star toward the black hole, forming a disk. The matter is heated to temperatures of million of degrees, and intense electromagnetic forces in the disk expel jets of high-energy matter. In this system the jets are slowly wobbling, or precessing, (represented by blue circular arrow) around a fixed axis (dotted white line).
(Illustration: NASA/CXC/M.Weiss)
An artist's rendering that shows a binary system consisting of a massive star and a black hole. Matter spirals from the massive star toward the black hole, forming a disk. The matter is heated to temperatures of million of degrees, and intense electromagnetic forces in the disk expel jets of high-energy matter. In this system the jets are slowly wobbling, or precessing, (represented by blue circular arrow) around a fixed axis (dotted white line).
(Illustration: NASA/CXC/M.Weiss)
X-ray Image of SS 433
The most recent Chandra image of SS 433 shows two high speed lobes of 50 million degree gas 5 trillion kilometers apart on opposite sides of a binary black hole system.
(Credit: NASA/CXC/U.Amsterdam/S.Migliari et al.)
The most recent Chandra image of SS 433 shows two high speed lobes of 50 million degree gas 5 trillion kilometers apart on opposite sides of a binary black hole system.
(Credit: NASA/CXC/U.Amsterdam/S.Migliari et al.)
X-ray/Radio Composite of SS 433
In this X-ray/radio composite image, the radio data (upper left) were observed by the VLA and Bonn 100m on August 19, 1996 for about 7 hours (bandwidth = 1465 MHz). The pullout box of the Chandra X-ray data (lower right) shows two high speed lobes of 50 million degree gas 5 trillion kilometers apart on opposite sides of a binary black hole system.
Scale (Radio): 2.5 degrees
Scale (X-ray): 6.5 arcsec
(Credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/U.Amsterdam/S.Migliari et al., Radio: G.M. Dubner, et al.)
In this X-ray/radio composite image, the radio data (upper left) were observed by the VLA and Bonn 100m on August 19, 1996 for about 7 hours (bandwidth = 1465 MHz). The pullout box of the Chandra X-ray data (lower right) shows two high speed lobes of 50 million degree gas 5 trillion kilometers apart on opposite sides of a binary black hole system.
Scale (Radio): 2.5 degrees
Scale (X-ray): 6.5 arcsec
(Credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/U.Amsterdam/S.Migliari et al., Radio: G.M. Dubner, et al.)
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