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HST Image of 47 Tucanae
This picture, taken with the Hubble Space Telescope’s Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2, depicts the stars’ natural colors in 47 Tucanae. For example, the red stars denote bright red giants at the end of their lives, while the common yellow stars are similar to our middle-aged Sun. The Chandra image falls in a region seen in the upper-left corner of this HST image.
(Credit: NASA/STScI/R.Gilliland et al.)
Scale: Image is 2 x 2.7 arcmin.
This picture, taken with the Hubble Space Telescope’s Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2, depicts the stars’ natural colors in 47 Tucanae. For example, the red stars denote bright red giants at the end of their lives, while the common yellow stars are similar to our middle-aged Sun. The Chandra image falls in a region seen in the upper-left corner of this HST image.
(Credit: NASA/STScI/R.Gilliland et al.)
Scale: Image is 2 x 2.7 arcmin.
Return to 47 Tucanae (17 May 01)