More images of M82
This image shows the X-ray emission in colors that
give an indication of the energy of the X-rays. The
X-rays are more energetic as the colors go from red to
blue. The bright spots are supernova remnants and X-ray
binaries. Most are likely to be X-ray binaries, and the
blue ones are certainly X-ray binaries. These are some
of the brightest supernovas and X-ray binaries known,
and the luminosity of X-ray binaries suggests that most
are black hole candidates. The orange, diffuse emission
is hot gas at temperatures of around 10 million degrees
Celsius. The size of the image is 2.5 kpc by 2.5
(Credit: NASA/PSU/CMU)
M82, Chandra X-ray
This image is based on the same data as image 1 but is
bigger (5.0 kpc by 5.0 kpc) and has been smoothed to
show the diffuse emission more clearly. Here it can be
that in addition warm (10 million degree Celsius) gas
flowing out of M82 (displayed in red), there is some
very hot emission (100 million degree Celsius) gas in
the nucleus (displayed in blue).
(Credit: NASA/PSU/CMU)
Chandra X-ray Image with Scale
Scale bar = 1 arcmin
(Credit: NASA/CXC/SAO)
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(14 Jan 00)