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1. Press Conference #1: "Chandra Catches Milky Way Monster Snacking (Sgr A*)"
Panelists: Fred Baganoff (MIT), Gordon Garmire (Penn State), Fulvia Melio (University of Arizona).
September 5, 2001 (Photo: CXC)
Panelists: Fred Baganoff (MIT), Gordon Garmire (Penn State), Fulvia Melio (University of Arizona).
September 5, 2001 (Photo: CXC)
2. Press Conference #1
Alan Bunner (NASA HQ) gives introductory remarks.
September 5, 2001 (Photo: CXC)
Alan Bunner (NASA HQ) gives introductory remarks.
September 5, 2001 (Photo: CXC)
3. Press Conference #1
Fred Baganoff (MIT) presents his findings on the X-ray flare from Sgr A*.
September 5, 2001 (Photo: CXC)
Fred Baganoff (MIT) presents his findings on the X-ray flare from Sgr A*.
September 5, 2001 (Photo: CXC)
4. Press Conference #1
Fred Baganoff (MIT) presents his findings on the X-ray flare from Sgr A*.
September 5, 2001 (Photo: CXC)
Fred Baganoff (MIT) presents his findings on the X-ray flare from Sgr A*.
September 5, 2001 (Photo: CXC)
5. Press Conference #1
Fred Baganoff (MIT) presents his findings on the X-ray flare from Sgr A*.
September 5, 2001 (Photo: CXC)
Fred Baganoff (MIT) presents his findings on the X-ray flare from Sgr A*.
September 5, 2001 (Photo: CXC)
6. Press Conference #1
Gordon Garmire (Penn State), principal investigator for the ACIS instrument, comments on the Chandra findings from Sgr A*.
September 5, 2001 (Photo: CXC)
Gordon Garmire (Penn State), principal investigator for the ACIS instrument, comments on the Chandra findings from Sgr A*.
September 5, 2001 (Photo: CXC)