Solar System (def.): The Sun together with the group of celestial bodies that are held by its attraction and revolve around it.
Field Guide to Solar System Chandra Images: Solar System |
Q: Is there more energy coming out of Saturn's rings than the sun provides?
Q: Is our solar system in a black hole?
Q: Is our solar system moving or traveling within our Galaxy? Is our Galaxy traveling or moving in the Universe? If so, how fast?
Q: Could a black hole in our Galaxy ever be strong enough to pull our solar system into it?
Q: I have read that gravitational attraction between objects is dependent on the masses of the objects. With the Sun losing mass all the time due to radiation, is it possible that one day Earth will escape the Sun's gravitational pull?
Q: Has Saturn's moon Titan ever been photographed by Chandra? I know the Hubble Space Telescope has taken infrared images of Titan, but I was wondering if this moon has been photographed in X-rays. If not, would there be a chance for such a 'photo' opportunity prior to Cassini's Huygen's landing?
Q: Does Saturn's magnetic poles alternate over time? Is Chandra capable of detecting such a transition?
Q: I was wondering if there were any X-ray pictures taken of Earth?