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Q&A: Our Solar System
Has Saturn's moon Titan ever been photographed by Chandra? I know the Hubble Space Telescope has taken infrared images of Titan, but I was wondering if this moon has been photographed in X-rays. If not, would there be a chance for such a 'photo' opportunity prior to Cassini's Huygen's landing?
Saturn will have a conjunction with the Crab Nebula on January 5, 2003.
This will be a rare event since Saturn passes very close to the pulsar
in the Crab. The plan is to observe the Saturn-Titan system at this
time, and to see how Saturn's rings, and the atmospheres of Saturn and
Titan absorb X-rays. This data may give us new information about the
composition of these objects.
Recent Press Release: (05 Apr 2004)