Women in the High Energy Universe: Karla Guardado

Karla Guardado
Karla Guardado is an astrophysicist technical assistant at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. She studied physics at MIT and wrote her thesis on “Preheating in New Higgs Inflation.”
I wanted to go into a career in astrophysics because I fell in love with space--its marvels and secrets. As I learned increasingly about physics in school, I became more and more inquisitive. It seemed like the more I thought I knew, I realized that there were actually so many more questions to be answered. I always had an affinity with science, but it was the desire to discover these unanswered questions about space that led me to a career in astrophysics.
I became interested in science at a very young age. I was always very inquisitive, but it wasn't until I began putting the scientific method to use that I understood what science could achieve. I loved every part of my science projects, the investigation, experimentation, and drawing conclusions. That was how I began to think of science as a future career.
What excites me the most about the field of astrophysics? Astrophysics seeks to understand some of the deepest questions in the universe. What could be more exciting than that?
I'm recently graduated with my undergraduate degree from college. But in due time I'd like to be a fully realized scientist, adding to the knowledge pool.
If I were to give advice to young girls thinking about a career in science, it would be that a career in science takes a lot of dedication and years of schooling. But if it’s truly what you want to do, go for it. It will be worth it. Set your own limits, don't let other people do that for you.
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