Big Astro Fun

What constitutes 'fun' for astronomers? Well, besides getting new data and results, it might be *talking* about their new data and results. A lot of astronomers will get a chance to do this next week at the twice-annual American Astronomical Society meeting. This one is happening in Seattle, WA, where, in addition to rain, many new and exciting discoveries are expected. Chandra will have new stories coming out on Wednesday and Thursday so keep an eye open for those here. We'll be posting more information as we go, but in the meantime, here's an official announcement about next week's meeting:
"More than 2,700 astronomers, planetary scientists, exhibitors, and journalists will travel to Seattle, Washington, for the 217th meeting of the American Astronomical Society (AAS), 9-13 January 2011 at the Washington State Convention & Trade Center. Gathering with the AAS are its Historical Astronomy Division (HAD) and High Energy Astrophysics Division (HEAD)."
-Megan Watzke, CXC
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