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Illustration & X-ray Spectrum of ASASSN-14li
Astronomers have observed material being blown away from a black hole after it tore a star apart, using a trio of X-ray telescopes. The artist's illustration depicts material from a shredded star (reddish-orange streak) that is pulled towards the black hole. The X-ray spectrum obtained with Chandra provides information about how material starts falling toward the black hole, plus evidence for a wind carrying some of the material away from the black hole.
(Credit: Spectrum: NASA/CXC/U.Michigan/J.Miller et al.; Illustration: NASA/CXC/M.Weiss)
Astronomers have observed material being blown away from a black hole after it tore a star apart, using a trio of X-ray telescopes. The artist's illustration depicts material from a shredded star (reddish-orange streak) that is pulled towards the black hole. The X-ray spectrum obtained with Chandra provides information about how material starts falling toward the black hole, plus evidence for a wind carrying some of the material away from the black hole.
(Credit: Spectrum: NASA/CXC/U.Michigan/J.Miller et al.; Illustration: NASA/CXC/M.Weiss)
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