Media Telecon:
Dec. 16, 2008 (1 p.m. EDT)
For the first time, astronomers have clearly seen the effects of dark energy on the most massive collapsed objects in the Universe using NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory. By tracking how dark energy has stifled the growth of galaxy clusters and combining this with previous studies, scientists have obtained the best clues ever about what dark energy is and what the destiny of the Universe could be.
-Press ReleaseLive audio of the teleconference will be streamed online at: Instant replays are generally available one hour after a call ends, and will be through December 23, 2008 10:59 PM (CT)
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A video file about the discovery will air on NASA Television on December 16 at noon and 1pm (check the NASA TV schedule for additional times and information).
Alexey Vikhlinin, (Astrophysicist, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, Mass. )William Forman, (Astrophysicist, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, Mass.)
David Spergel, (Theoretical astrophysicist, Princeton University)
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Figure 3. Stills from simulation showing structures growing with cosmic time (Diemand et al).

Figure 5. A sample of Chandra galaxy cluster images: local (left) and distant (right).

Supplementary Graphics

Additional Information
Paper Title: Chandra Cluster Cosmology Project III: Cosmological Parameter Constraints (pdf format)
Full Author List: A.Vikhlinin (SAO & IKI, Moscow), A. Kravtsov (Chicago), R. Burenin (IKI, Moscow), H. Ebeling (Hawaii), W. Forman (SAO), A. Hornstrup (NSI, Copenhagen), C. Jones (SAO), S. Murray (SAO), D. Nagai (Yale), H. Quintana (PUCdC, Santiago), A. Voevodkin (IKI, Moscow; LANL)
Scientist Contact Information:Alexey Vikhlinin:
Bill Forman:
David Spergel:
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