0) { $q = $_GET["q"]; } else { $q = 0; } ?> Chandra: Video Series: Standard Definition
Chandra X-ray Observatory Video Series

By Length

0) { $minutes = $duration / 60; $duration = $duration - ($minutes * 60); if ($duration > 0) { $hours = $duration; } } $duration = sprintf("%d:%02d", $minutes, $seconds); //MM:SS ?>

- Related Links:
';}?> '.$row[rel_link1_label].'
';}?> '.$row[rel_link2_label].'
';}?> '.$row[rel_link3_label].'';}?>
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<< Back"; if (mysqli_data_seek($result, $z)) { echo " | More Video Series >>"; } echo "
"; include "close_db_link.php"; ?>

Please note: These podcasts include artist illustrations and conceptual animations in addition to astronomical data.